The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Continuing our Success
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As most of you know, last week's SSC run was successful for two reasons. The obvious one is that we killed a boss, but the second reason is that so many Ironsong tribemates came out to help. We all had a great time, and you may want to take the time to thank Jabadue for setting this up when you get the chance. Smile

Now, that said, our DPS output needs work if are to continue with forward progress. If there is a guide available, I recommend reading it. Not all DPS problems are simply gear related. There are tweaks you can make to your spec, different focuses you can take with your gear (such as spell hit for casters vs. bosses), and alternate chains of abilities to try.

We will be keeping an eye on the damage meters and trying to help those who need it. Everyone must pull their own weight if we want to succeed. I would also ask that if you are having issues that are computer or lag related, that you please let us know. We may even be able to make suggested on that front.

Also, I know a few have had issues with getting ventrilo working on their computers. We've managed to work around that, but it does make life easier (and more survivable) all around. You don't need to be able to talk, just to listen. All I ask is that if you haven't gotten it to work in the past, that you give it another try. It may be a new version of the client. If it still doesnt work, then no big deal.

Finally, I strongly encourage everyone to install the Bigwigs mod:

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I cannot stress enough just how useful this is for keeping yourself (and others) alive. I do not believe I could have successfully tanked the Lurker without it.
Please work with your tribe enchanters to get your gear enchanted and updated. (If it happens to be me I will donate what shards I can from our tribe raids.)

It is also probably time to get rare (blue level) gems in your epic (purple) gear slots. Every little bit helps.

Kosath Wrote:Finally, I strongly encourage everyone to install the Bigwigs mod:

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I cannot stress enough just how useful this is for keeping yourself (and others) alive. I do not believe I could have successfully tanked the Lurker without it.

I am always skeptical and very very very anti mod. However due to the pressure I tried it out and Kosath is right....this things is way useful and it isnt intrusive at all during regular play bosses you get a bunch of timer bars but it helps ALOT! Highly recommended also.


Dispaya Wrote:Please work with your tribe enchanters to get your gear enchanted and updated. (If it happens to be me I will donate what shards I can from our tribe raids.)

It is also probably time to get rare (blue level) gems in your epic (purple) gear slots. Every little bit helps.


I can assist with many buffs...... but don't exspect me to be able to do that executioner I won in ZA anytime soon the Rod I need for it is very exspensive. Sad

PS. I'm also too poor to afford blue and purple gems.......Maybe I should like try to uberbuff one of my char's rep with the consortium......
Hey BB...We all know how expensive things are. The tribe is very generous in helping out. In this case we all need to help each other in order for the raid to progress. I suggest you ask around and see if anyone can donate mats for your rod...or see if any of the gem crafters can help out with some better gems. We all work together ;-)


PS: the dailies on the Isle are worth over 50 gold per day...which is about the cost of a blue gem so maybe a few days of dailies will help cut your costs.


Eh, I know many people (especially) myself put a lot of value in not feeling like a mooch. I feel great when I get something yummy and delicious, but there's always that hint of guilt taht says "well, I didn't need this it wouldn't have been a big deal if I hadn't gotten it".

Personally I've quietly been lvling up my own enchanting and have not reached out to the seasoned ones to do my gear. That being said if someone does have mats for a nice mana battery friendly one I'd like to know and get it with proper payment Big Grin.

Also, I know that I have a long list of things I need to work on as far as gear/enchants/gems/etc goes and the whole thing is quite overwhelming. It gets quite expensive trying to tackle all of it at once so if a checklist of what is most important can be devised with the constructive criticism it would be really appreciated. I just can't keep stretching my gold all over the place because it seems like I just can't get ahead and the improvements are minimal at best.

My setbacks are mostly gear related as I have extensively read and implemented the spriest spell rotation guide Big Grin

ETA: The whole primal/mores of water thing ahs been thrown around before, but now that I have the shadow cloth and webs out of the way for my FSW robe the 12 primal waters I need is looming over my head, so anything that can be sent my way to help ease my constant farming for them would really be appreciated even if it's just 1 mote. That right there = #1 on my checklist
Thanuist, motes of water are pretty easy to get for fishermen in Nagrand. The pools respawn a bit slowly, but making one round of them usually nets 15-20 motes. I will send you what I have before friday, although I may not be on much these next two nights outside of Kara.

Also something you should consider as a shadow priest, is that damage alone is not your entire contribution. When you factor in healing and mana regen, your totals end up much higher.


Meh, I've found the best drop rates in the pool ne of shatt and the lake artound sky guard, but I still seem to have terrible luck with motes in general, and multiply it by 160 and it makes me want to tear my hair out.

And even when you factor in my mana in health (which is very much at the front of my mind) I know my dps is still pretty pathetic compared to what I know it could be
Alternatively, do the dailies and buy your materials. I can also help out with some enchants, but I don't think my set is as complete as Dispaya's.

I pretty much just did dailies and bought rare gems for all my gear.
I'm generally finding it easier to do dailies now and buy mats at the AH rather than spend endless hours farming them. Motes...argh...blech
(I feel your pain Than)

Thanuist Wrote:Eh, I know many people (especially) myself put a lot of value in not feeling like a mooch.

Asking for help is not being a mooch, that's what the tribe is here for! (Not to mooch, you fiends, to help!) When it is clear that you are trying to help yourself out but you just need a hand, then I in no way call that mooching.

Quote:Also, I know that I have a long list of things I need to work on as far as gear/enchants/gems/etc goes and the whole thing is quite overwhelming. It gets quite expensive trying to tackle all of it at once so if a checklist of what is most important can be devised with the constructive criticism it would be really appreciated. I just can't keep stretching my gold all over the place because it seems like I just can't get ahead and the improvements are minimal at best.

You are absolutely right, it DOES get expensive, and fast. Work on 1 piece at a time, the one that will be the most beneficial to you. If gold or materials don't allow you to do this then work on the piece that you CAN afford to finish. One step at a time. And like several people said, the dailies are excellent for making money. One other thing, if you don't know which piece or enchant to fix up first or aren't sure exactly what would make it great for you then ask the Raid Spec Class Lead, shoot them a pm or an ingame mail.

Quote:ETA: The whole primal/mores of water thing ahs been thrown around before, but now that I have the shadow cloth and webs out of the way for my FSW robe the 12 primal waters I need is looming over my head, so anything that can be sent my way to help ease my constant farming for them would really be appreciated even if it's just 1 mote. That right there = #1 on my checklist

I think I might have some floating (heh, I made a funny) around in one of my banks. I'll send them your way.


Heh, it's just hard to eliminated that that feeling of "oh noes I'm a mooch!". Although I know the real mooches probably don't have such feelings of remorse >.>.

I've been tempted to ask for a checklist from or the wow forums (although the latter quitely deteriorates into spec/pvp/gear/ur mom insults) but those guys just don't know my performance/everyone else's performance compared to people here. Anymore, I don't believe Shadow spec has a lead since he is no longer in the tribe.

When you've researched what you're aiming for you notice every little thing wrong XD. Next time I'll just stay ignorant so my gold isn't pulled in 50 different directions Big Grin.

And as for motes, anything helps, really. I will hopefully be able to take a chunk of time tomorrow morning and really farm for them hardcore. *groans* darn you, blizz, for demanding 16 primal waters


Logros left?
I'm sure he'd be more than happy to help you out still, despite his not being in the tribe.