New info on 3.2
Along with Argent Tournament expansion, another battleground, and a new instance; Blizzard just released more information on what's in the works.

So far, we're looking to get XP gains in battlegrounds for completion of honor objectives, and rumors of being able to disable/re-enable all XP gains for trolling your favorite level tier of the BGs. Paladins are also getting a makeover, the mount system is going to become more forgiving (again), and Shamans now get a special Totem bar for the first class-specific UI addition outside of mods.

In addition, we're getting a few changes with the emblems, more mailboxes, epic gems, some changes in most battlegrounds to make them PvP faster (including Wintergrasp, surprisingly), a mess of Class changes, and something about new kittens and teddy bears that has Cloudjumper real happy for some reason, and a whole lot of other stuff.

Check the patch notes to see all the details.
Huzzah on the XP disabling bit - especially since only those with XP disabled will see each other in the BGs. Thank goodness Blizz is finally doing something about the freaking twinks that are killing the BGs for those of us that don't have the time and gold to make our lower levels alts "gods."

WSG is also finally getting a timer to keep the matches from dragging on forever - huzzah! Arathi Basin is dropping down to 1600 total resources to win...and enabling a buff to actually encourage people to - *gasp* - defend nodes!

Mount changes - hoo boy, they can't get here fast enough. Sorry for those of you that have dropped a *lot* of money on the higher level mounts...but I am glad to see these changes coming down the pike.
Lhuurssa Wrote:Huzzah on the XP disabling bit - especially since only those with XP disabled will see each other in the BGs. Thank goodness Blizz is finally doing something about the freaking twinks that are killing the BGs for those of us that don't have the time and gold to make our lower levels alts "gods."

Actually, I am under the impression that the XP disabling would promote more twinkage because then they can farm gear without worrying about leveling while doing it. Unless there is something I am missing :?
That's fine by me; it's going to put all of the twinks in the same group, though.
Yes, thats a good thing then.

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