Ironsong Help Night
Hey everybody!

My brother told me the other day about how his alliance guild has a "help night" once a week to help its members get geared, completing achievements, and stuff like that. That got me thinking, would anyone here be interested in starting something like that? If so, please post what nights you are free to come Big Grin Even if nothing concrete can be scheduled I'll be glad to help with anything I can, just ask.

Thank you :wink:

I forgot to mention, with most people in the guild being Northrend lvl we would mostly focus on getting everyone geared for raids and running heroics if this actually turns into anything
We have this going on once in a while. People start it up and it goes for a bit, then slowly slips into oblivion.

Instead of having set "nights" for this, I think it's just better to remind people that we are all guildies, we all likfe gear, we were all undergeared, and we all love alts and that we should always be open to help others regardless of if we need loot from someplace or not
Well, while I am not as of yet a full member of the guild I am more or less always available to help people with pretty much anything that needs helping. I'm about as geared as I can get without doing raids or gathering tons of emblems so if someone needs something exploded, feel free to ask.
Before I left, I know part of the reason for this is just that the leveling process has been so sped up. It just doesn't take eight days' worth of gameplay to get to L60 anymore, or even L80.

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