Aracna's application
1.State your name and any titles that you have earned, through service to the Horde in battle or otherwise
My name is Aracna Sunstrike. I have not yet earned any titles or merits of note.

2. List your race and vocation, be it Undead Mage, Orc Hunter, or any other.
I am a Blood elf Hunter.

3. Please introduce yourself to us, as much of your personal history as you feel comfortable sharing at this time.
I was born in Silvermoon and raised there for the most part. During the Scourge invasion my Mother, Brother and I went into hiding with other refugees. That is where I learned to hunt and live off the land. My father died in the battle trying to protect our home, we are very proud of him. My brother joined in the fight to retake our homelands and is currently stationed in Tranquillien, my mother resides in Silvermoon. I am still rather young and maybe a little reckless to strike out on my own, but I feel I would better serve my people if I learn and grow so I will be ready for when Kael'thas returns.

4.Tell us about any professions you have taken up, such as Tailoring or First Aid.
I can skin and leatherwork rather well. I am also able to do First Aid, Fishing, and some Cooking.

6. What are the Clans, Tribes, or Guilds that you have been a part of in the past, if any?
I was briefly part of a Guild called Dark Eclipse, they were rather quiet though. I am a social person and love even just talking and they didn’t.

7.Please describe what drew your interest in joining the Ironsong Tribe, and any memorable interactions you have had with members of Ironsong.
I have been told the Ironsong’s members are friendly and kind. That is what I am seeking.

8. What is the greatest trial you have faced, either long ago, or in the recent past?
I think, for now, it would have to have been while in hiding. We spend weeks in the forests not knowing who was coming home or who had died, and then to learn that all had been lost.

9. What are your current goals, or some of your greatest desires, and the reasons behind them?
I want only to help my people, in order to do that I need to become the best.

10. What do you enjoy most in your adventures in Azeroth?
I love exploring and getting lost in new cities. As I said before I also like to chat a lot and I seek to make friends that I can quest with, to aid each other.

11. Finally, have you read our Code of Conduct, and do you agree to abide by the rules stated in it? If so, please state so here in addition to a reply to the post itself.
I have read and very much agree with the rules.
Began peonship 10/29/09
Stalkinghoof, 85th level Tauren Hunter
Krinar Cloudcleaver, 85th level Tauren Warrior
Zerthis Waterwalker, 85th level Orc Shaman

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