A guild games (for real this time)
I know I mentioned wanting to do this a while ago then life just kind of swallowed me up. Anyway, I'm totally committed now and just need input from you all on when would be the best time! So reply letting us know what evening and time works best for you. I'm leaning towards a Sunday but can be swayed. The whole event should take somewhere from 1-2 hours and you don't have to stay the whole time. There will be prizes and everyone that attends will get random presents.

If you would like to donate anything for a prize send it to Altynay. Make sure it is something that can be gift wrapped (i.e. pets, mounts, transmog gear) as the surprise is part of the fun.

If you have any questions feel free to ask here, in game, or send me a direct message on discord

Characters in attendance of the event should be 70+ and on Silver Hand or one of the connected realms. I mean you could come on a lower level alt to the first 2 events but it may cause some interesting and unfortunate results.

50% of Mentos and Coke. 100% Disaster all the time. Says "sorry" a lot.
A Sunday works well for Oryx and me!


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