Arena Duel Tournament
I be holdin a tournament at Ogrimmar in the Arena. (the big round greenish building on the map in the Valley of Honor) There be rounds for levels 20-25, 30-35, 40-45, 50-55, and a BIG one for the level 60s! I be too poor to give out any prizes but maybeh Sreng can help me on dis one. SIGN UP HERE AND STATE YOUR CHARACTER NAME AND LEVEL PLEASE SO I CAN SET UP THE ROSTER. It be held on next saturday, August 13th, at 9:00 pm Ogrimmar time. BE THERE OR BE DEAD! Tanks! and sign up quick! I WILL STOP ADDING TO THE ROSTERS ON SATURDAY TO ALLOW ME TO GET THINGS SET UP! Tanks mon! and happeh killin!
OKAY ANNOUNCEMENT! IM CHANGING THE TIME TO 6:00 pm Ogrimmar time due to my lack of a brain! sorry bout that!
OH! and please get there 10 min. before hand so i can set yuo guys into groups. and get things running smoothly, tanks if ya cant make it too soon before i suppose its okay, just dont keep us waitin! (like i did for the meeting sorry) THANKS MON!
Just as a quick note, unless it's changed within the past few days, that arena is -still- out of order (ie, there's no way to get inside the fighting part), so you'll have to hold any dueling outside the city or at Gurubashi.
OKAY! THEN PLEASE SIGN UP AND WE'LL HAVE IT AT A LATER T BE DETERMINED DATE! @_@ (why me?!) anyay sorry bout dat! oh and some feedback on a good date would be good too.. thanks
I'd love to attend but we'll be away on vacation. Darn!!!
In response to your inquiry, the arena in Orgrimmar has never worked or been 'in order.' Heh heh

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