A Grim Task
A grim task lies before me, friends. Deep in the foul twisted halls of Scholomance resides a lich of great power. A lich I have sworn to defeat. His name is Ras Frostwhisper, and to defeat him I must confront him with a keepsake of rememberance of the human he used to be. If the Earthmother guides me, and four friends protect me, I will be able to return the dread lich to the human form he once wore. It is in this form that I must slay him, for I have sworn to return his human head to one who would see justice done.

In return for accomplishing this perilous endevour, two great items of power will be bestowed upon me. The first is a giant sword with a razor edge and sober intent. And the second, a mighty shield worthy of protecting those who protect me.

Who among you will join me on this treacherous adventure?
<scribbled in Zema's messy, childish script, with brightly colored ink>

Twilight and I will help you if you need us!

((ooc: Edonil and I would be MOST pleased to help if you need us! But, it might be more helpful to the success of your quest to take some one with more experience than myself... I know that neither Edo nor I know Scholo well.))
As luck would have it, I was just in an expedition to Scholomance led by Rawne. I think I could get us through, with a little luck from the Earthmother.
When do you want to go kill the bad things?
Saturday morning/afternoon would be best for me.
After the noon meal is good ((that'd be after noon EST, I don't know what time zone you're in)). Twilight and I should be ready, resupplied, and waiting for you to say go!
Alrighty then. I've created an event for it on the calendar. Hope to see you and all your friends there, Zarraema. =)

(( erg... we will try VERY hard to be on by then, Scar, but things transpired and I can't guarantee that we will be... I seriously doubt it...but we will be online AS SOON as is humanly possible to try and help. It -could- be as late as 5pm EST, now. Again, I appologize! -poZema ))

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