[Profile] Gajitsin, the son of a Slave.
(( This story is told threw Gajitsin, but I will speak without an accent becuase it's easier. Smile ))

My Father was brave. He was born and raised in Sen'jin Village. His name was Gujusheni. While growing up in Sen'jin Village, he met and beloved Musheni. As growing up, my father had very little money, therefor he set out on a journey to search for a job. He met a Troll, in Malaka'jin. The Troll never told him his name, becuase he... Well, just never wanted to. Anyways, he said that he'll pay for Gujusin to be his assassin. Gujusin, my Father, accepted his job.

Gujusin was forced to move away and live in Malaka'jin, while he left his wife at Sen'jinn. Everyone once and awhile Gujusin would visit her. It was during one of his visits that they had me, and it was the happiest day of their lives. They named me after my Father, Gajitsin.

One day, Malaka'jin was attacked by a Human and his guild. For some unknown reasen they went after the Troll my Father worked for... They failed, and retreated, though. The Troll was scared that the Human might attack again, he called this Human Allane. He told my Father that he would pay many gold for my Father to slay Allane. Gujusin accepted, and journeyed back to Sen'jin Village to aware his Wife that he would leave and might not comeback.

Musheni was schocked, she said that she wouldn't allow Gujusin to do it alone. So, she insisted that she joined him. Gujusin instantly said no, and that it would be way to dangerous. But, Musheni said that would be the only way for him to go, and Gujusin always payed attention to his wife. So, he thought about it for awhile, then agreed to it.

Before they left he warned his beloved that it would be a huge risk of death, not only for her but for Gajitsin as well. They had to bring me, becuase they knew no one else that would take care of me. So, they left.

Finally, they made it to Elwynn Forest, with alot of Travel. Once they reached Goldshire, Gujusin told Musheni to hide, while he would attack Allane. Musheni found a wounderful hiding spot, and camped their. She then feel asleep, then woke up to the sound of Gujusin returning. A smile came across her face as she saw Gujusin. Gujusin sighed, and told her that their was bad news.

My Father said that he could not find Allane, but assured that he would find him the next day. Musheni was angered and quickly said no that she was not sleeping in the forest of Elwynn. But, Gujusin said that it was that, or that she head home alone. Musheni could not walk home alone and had to agree, so they both sleeped next to the camp-fire.

Musheni woke the next morning and noticed that Gujusin had left. She was scared that he would be in danger, yet angered that he didn't tell her that he left. So, she ran to Goldshire looking for him, and tried to stay hidden. Has she was running with Gajitsin in here arms, she saw Gujusin running and felt relieved. But, then she noticed that Gujusin was running from danger. Gujusin noticed Musheni about 100 yards away, and yelled "Flee, Musheni, flee!".

Musheni refused, and waited for Gujusin to catch up to her. Then, suddenly Gujusin poofed into sheep. At first, Musheni was confused and thought she was seeing thing, but then noticed that Humans were after him after she saw a large fireball slam the sheep. The Humans captured him and qhile capturing Allane spotted the Female Troll standing there shocked and motionless. Allane send few to carry Gujusin back to Goldshire, and enslave him. He then ordered the rest to catch Musheni.

Once Musheni noticed Allane pointing at her, she instantly turned around and started to run. After awhile of running, Musheni came to a stop at a River. She turned around and noticed that all the Humans were still chasing her. So, she had to think quick, she know that she would be cought and be forced to be a slave, but she wasn't worried about that. She was worried about the life of Gajitsin. She then came up with an idea!

She quickly tossed Gajitsin into the river, hoping that her wooden carrier would float. As she hoped, it did. The carrier safely floated down the River, and she then quickly turned around and dropped down to her knees, hoping that the Humans wouldn't go after her baby. Allane and his Guards grabbed Musheni and brought her back to Goldshire to enslave her.

After awhile, a young Orc Warrior picked up the baby, woundering what a Troll baby was doing in the river of Goldshire. At the time, the Orc warrior was raiding with a Druid, a Rouge, and himself. Just three. The Druid and Rouge insisted that he abandon the baby hearth back home. But, Konjen knew that the baby was a member o the Horde, and that it diserved to leave. Therefor, Konjen said for the Druid and Rouge to hearth without him, and that he'll escort the Troll baby back to Sen'jinn Village, despite the risk he'll be taking. The Druid, and Rouge hearthed without him as Konjen said. And, Konjen left to return the baby back to Sen'jinn Village.

After a long time, Konjen finaly reached his destination at Sen'jinn Village. He gave the baby to the Innkeeper.

Innkeeper: "Ah, tanks mon! It be great hona for you to return a baby."

Warrior: "No problem, it was worth saving the life of a Horde."

Innkeeper:"Say, mon. Before ya go, what be your name?"

The warrior said as walking out.

Warrior:"...Konjen, sir, it's Konjen."

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