Upper Blackrock - Sunday - Jan 15th! (Multiple Runs)

As I see it, after getting six people through the Test of Skulls just tonight, we will HAVE to make a minimum of two runs through UBRS to get blood or a maximum of three (as I believe Drak drops anywhere between 2 and 4 bloods per run).

We have two weekends between today and the 28th (our scheduled Onyxia attack) to accomplish this plus any other runs for other people who need Rend, eyes, or others still who need blood.

This is how things look for myself thus far:

Saturday is a possibility unless we are returning to Zul'Gurub.
Sunday is a possibility.
Next week:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday are all possibilities.

I -cannot- do this alone, as I am still unfamiliar with the way that Upper blackrock works. (I am a healer, I tend to concentrate on the health of the raid, not the mechanics of the pulls)

I also need to know the times that others will be available, so that I can begin forming these raids when there is a high likeleyhood of atleast 15 interested people being available...and in decent enough balance for us to survive.

Our last run was not "balanced" per-se, but we still did very well...further proof that nothing needs to be done with the 'perfect' group. (we had 1 priest, 2 warlocks, 3 warriors, 4 shaman, and 5 hunters!)

Please let me know if you need to go. At this point in things, we need to make SURE that atleast one person who needs Drak's blood is with us at all times, just to get everyone keyed for Onyxia by the 28th.

We also (unfortunately) need someone with a key...as Edonil and I are still keyless (another thing the two of us need to work on!).

Thank you, in advance, to everyone involved!

(( My sister's baby shower is on saturday, so i dont know if/when ill be available that day. and i work on sunday. ))
(( Real life always comes first, Zin! Smile -and- we'll be doing more than one of these runs, to give everyone an opportunity to get their various quest bits done...so, there will be more than one chance! ))
Just be advised that if we beat Thekal on Friday there will be Zul'Gurub on Saturday during the daytime again. One of the weekends before Onyxia will not have a Zul'Gurub though for certain, so we can do multiple UBRS.

This weekend we judged there to be need for a Hakkar attempt as so many Ironsong were unable to come to the joint Hakkar Monday which the Rottens I feel deserved after their longtime participation. However, due to the new raid timer that will not happen often. 1/7 weeks I believe.

Great job Zema and Tribemates in working on this with people. We will be running more of these as well as the time comes closer to help those who have been unable by then.

Congratulations all! Many are very close to achieving their keys!

(( I was aware of the possibility of Zul'Gurub on Saturday. The UBRS on Saturday is definitely tentative and based entirely upon the possibility of Z'G (as I am generally completely wiped out after a Z'G run, I can imagine that most are, as well and would not feel up to another long raid afterwards).

Since we are -going- to beat Thekal on Friday, and Tae has confirmed that we will go back on Saturday when that happens...perhaps we should plan the UBRS run for Sunday, instead?

Please let me know what days and times are good for everyone else...especially those people who have their UBRS keys already Smile ))

Thank you!
I'll be available most likely to help out with UBRS on Sunday if that goes down, and at the very least can open the gate as I have a key.
Krell would love to tag along to any of this events. I am at the point where I need to gather 20 eyes.

Orc Hunter
I am up for Saturday OR Sunday. Let's hope Drakkisath drops a lot of blood!
Don't mess with the trees!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

~Bill Cosby

Alrighty... this is how I see things for Sunday's runs... We need to do -atleast- two...if not more.

We have people who will be available all throughout the day, and some who will only be available for certain times.

So, how does this sound as a tentative schedule:

Run #1: to begin invitations at 10:30 Orgrimmar time (1:30 EST)

Afterwards: BREAK for lunch, repairs, and resupplies.

Run #2: to begin invitations at 2:15 Orgrimmar time (5:15 EST) (Several people will be getting home from work around that time)

Afterwards: BREAK for rest, reparis, and resupplies.

Run #3: to begin invitations sometime after 6:30 Orgrimmar time (9:30 EST), if interest continues.

NO ONE is required to attend, or to stay for any particular length of time, these are Tribe runs that will be done to (hopefully) assist in tribe member quests. -IF- there are Friends of the Tribe who are available and places inside the raid that need to be filled, we may also be inviting them (This includes some of the Rottens - if they're not all completely sick of the place by now - and some others - but absolutely no "pickups" will be involved).

If one or more of the groups does not end up with atleast 10 people with atleast one warrior and atleast one other healer, we will continue looking for friends and tribemates until it is full...or until the next time for the raids rolls around.

poZema's Rule #1: This is a game - we are going to be having fun tomorrow. UBRS can be a bit stressful but we are not going to let it make any of us snippy or angry. We are going to finish quests and have an absolute bawl! This doesn't mean we won't be using solid tactics, common sense, and GOOD raiding behavior (consider these raids as practice for other places!).

Run #1 was a complete success!

Congratulations to Chaska and myself for the blood! (the only two who needed it on that run!) And to Krell for his Beaststalker's tunic and Utsusemi for his eyepatch and new leggings!

A most sincere thanks to everyone who came to help - one person can do very little alone...together, we are strong! Sing True, Ironsong.

Run #2 was a success, despite strange bugs!

Congratulations to Krell, Azoz, and Edonil for their blood! - And to Utsusemi for his Finkle's Skinner, Sharxxul for his new Assassination Blade, and Dannae for her new ring, necklace, robe, shoulders, pants, and..um.. did I miss anything else, Dannae? Wink hehe! (Go go Ironsong loot rules instead of stupid shard-rules!)

Run #3 was a success, despite a few hiccups with internet connections!

Congratulations to Khrale and Zinthas on their blood, Efluvia on Rend's Head, Bearheart on his dragon eyes, The warriors ALL on their crazy warrior loot! (Zin, Sharxxul, and Lucrey!), and Dispaya on her new necklace! (a special thank you to Asaram, you passed twice so that others could have Drak's blood first...classy and very sweet of you)


To Kosath, Eveline, and Shillatae for guiding us through the first two runs - thank you doubly so for the moral support.

An extra special thank you to Kosath for remaining on TeamSpeak for the third run to help guide us through.

Thank you all for comming with us today - and for the many many offers to help - this would not have been such a rousing success without every single person who went.

A Chromatic Dragon Scale dropped...and I was -just- brain dead enough to forget to have others roll on it. Please let me know who (From the LAST RUN ONLY, please) who would be able to use this. If no one can, and no judicious decision is made, I will offer it to the tribe as a whole.

This is entirely my fault, I am very very sorry for omitting it. - I am a complete bonehead for forgetting Sad

Sing true, Ironsong!
Player of Zema
Zema, Drak's blood drops for all now not just 2 or three.
Blizzard changed this in the last patch.

(( that is incorrect, Waltimus, unfortunately. ))
I would use the scale for a quest, unfortunately it will be a LONG time before I finish the quest, as I need 10 of the scales among other hard to get things.
Don't mess with the trees!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

~Bill Cosby
I would like to thank everyone involved today. Krell was able to gather 20 eyes, kill 4 named dragons, take Drakk's blood, and acquire his amulet all because of these runs.

Zema, whether you want to admit it, you did a terrific job.

A special thank you goes out to those of you who waited on me to fly, Zep, fly etc. all over the world trying to kill all the dragons. For those of you not present, Krell was grouped with 4 Shaman, and apparently Shaman have this annoying ability to self-port every 15 minutes or so. I just have one thing to say.....NERF Shaman! ( hehe )

Needless to say, those 4 were often waiting on this slow Hunter.

All in all, I would say much was accomplished in the name of the Tribe.

Congratulations to all.

Orc Hunter
Proud member of Ironsong
Many thanks, Zarraema, for putting these runs together for the good of the Tribe. You handled everything very well (on the run I was able to attend) and I loved the way the loot rules worked out for all who attended.

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