One more UBRS run before Onyxia - Sat 10AM

One last stab to get as many people as we can keyed for Ony.

Kernasas is the only person that I am aware of, currently, who has completed all but Drak's blood.

HOWEVER: if others come, there should be atleast two bloods on him...I have never seen less than two or more than three.


1) We will need someone with a key and lots of help to get through this and have time to cool down before Onyxia.

2) If zero people show up who need the blood, the raid will be cancelled so that we can all save ourselves for the big fight.

Let's do this!

Sing True, Ironsong!
-player of Zema

I don't know why, but I always end up talking for Voran. =P

Anyway, he still needs to finish Test of Skulls before he can move on to the blood. He's finished Scryer, and has yet to do Somnus, Chorno-whatever and Axtroz.

If anyone is willing to help knock those last few out, he'd greatly appreciate it. Further, if I'm on and he's not and we can start getting a group together, I can log in as him and finish the quest as Voran for if poVoran isn't personally available.
[Image: 85443.png][Image: 85444.png]
(( Only thing I can suggest is trying to put people together pre- .. or post- Zul'Gurub tonight. I will try very very hard to be available ))

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