Wednesday Night Run, somewhere.
Ok, I really think we can organize more and more things. Utsusemi is doing a great job, trouble is I usually work Tuesdays, so I can't guarantee I'll make his run. On top of that, I tend to work all over the place in the week, with no set schedule. This means I don't have a night to set up for weekly runs.

So instead I'm setting up a run this week; on Wednesday the 12th. I do not work this day, and should have enough time in the day to run some instance. That said, I'm game for most instances and any starting time.

Where I'd like to go: Scholomance, Undead Strat, LBRS (we will clear all the orcs on the bottom level if I go there, they drop patterns), and UBRS. But I will happily venture into other locations as well, if the desire for these places outweighs that.

So please, sign up in this thread for a Wednesday run somewhere. We can start at whatever game time people feel is best, 5pm, 6pm, Heck, if we do a shorter one, like Undead Strat, we can do multiple runs of it.
Just FYI currently we are doing AQ20 at 5:30pm Wednesdays and barely filling it, so you might have a hard time getting a 5-man together. It's a good idea though and if enough people start turning out Wednesdays it could get easier to run two things at once.
"She is a soothsayer. She’s a mystic. She is a witch doctor, able to see into people’s hearts and minds. She’s also touched by the elements." -Naomie Harris
You're trying to sabotage me! I knew it all along! <waves angry fist at Haida>

Yea. Wednesdays are bad. I think we need to come up with a joint channel between Ironsong and Rotten Luck so that we have an extra pool of people to draw from for Tuesdays, or any other night for that matter.
Hmm, I don't really have an interest in going to An'Quiraj right now. I actually have more of an interest in running the dungeons that I've oddly done many times before, but feel I haven't completed. I did not intend to clash with someone else's event, it was just the only time I possibly had to do something, seemingly all week.

If my last three Wildheart pieces could drop in An'Quiraj I'd go. But as that's my current goal right now, I hardly need little pieces filling my precious bank slots up. I have far too much stuff in there, anything from Darkmoon things to Zul'Gurub stuff, let alone too much RP stuff that I really should just toss as I haven't used them in ages... I can understand the majority of the Tribe may be burnt out with some zones, but I know I'm not. That's part of how I chose to play, by not wearing myself out in them.

Sure, there is something to be said of consistency. But frankly, I don't have a consistent schedule for my work, making scheduling events in game a nightmare. So sadly I can't take part in weekly themed runs. This post was made more for those who might not have the three hours plus to venture somewhere foriegn, but rather spend an hour or so in a familiar dungeon completeing goals for their mains, alts, or new level 60s.

I do hope something can work out in the long run. Hope to see you all in game soon!

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