ITEO The Maintainer - Speaking of Spirits...
Part I

In Kalimdor - High above the Wilds of Feralas

The Maintainer, Lurie, stood atop the second of the Twin Colossals, at the edge of the small pond that rested there. Donning his most serious atire, namely his same all-green except with more regal headgear, he pulled from one of his bags a vial of fish oil, disturbing the tiny emerald whelpling that rested in the same place. It crawled from the bag and fluttered to the ground next to the shaman. Lurie paid it no mind, as he knew it would return when the time came for them to leave. As always, Kalin Windflight paid him no mind, allowing him to complete his business undisturbed.

Lurie uncorked the vial of oil and, dropping the cork, poured it into his free hand. Then, crushing the vial he still held, he sprinkled the shattered glass into the oil in his palm. Bowing his head and closing his eyes, he muttered the incantation and held the contents of his hands out as if offering them to someone. In a flicker of movement from the surrounding air, the oil and glass disappeared leaving no trace.

Taking a deep breath, Lurie stepped out onto the water. It supported him as if made of a more substantial material, leaving very slight ripples where he tread. Kneeling in the middle of the pond, he withdrew from one of his bags a very small ord, and closed his hand around it tightly. Immediately from the heavens, piercing the clouds and that had threatened rain, a powerful beam of light shone upon the spot in which he kneeled.

Once again closing his eyes and bowing his head, Lurie spoke aloud.

"I stand once upon the peak of the Earthmother's nobility under the glow of Elune's grace, and once more, I plead for answers."

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