Pilgrimage Event Tuesday 4/25 5pm
Dis Tuesday ah'll be leadin' a bunch o'Tribelin's an' mebbe others t'de Shrine o'de Fallen Warrior like ah did a year ago dis time. Gather up in Orgrimmar if yer wantin' t'go 'long an' we'll walk (yah walk, dat's what yah do on a pilgrimage, yah lazy git!) all t'gether down de Barrens way t'de Crossroads an' head up t'de Shrine from dere.

Bes' not t'be late but if yah are go ahead an' cheat an' meet us at de Crossroads, but ah can' promise de spirits be thinkin' as kindly of yah as dey will o'dose o'us what hoofed it (in de manner o'de Shu'halo!) out dere de right way an' all dat.

If yah got friends what wanna come or what be interested in what de Ironsong be about, yah can' get more Ironsong dan dis - we did it a year 'go an' we'll do it nex' year too! We here t'stay an' if we gonna stay we gotta honor dem what came afore us an' who died t'make de world we got today.

Ah'll be leadin' us out, Eveline be openin' de ceremony wit some words from las' year's event, folk from all de peoples o'de Horde be speakin' on dere spiritual beliefs an' suchlike, an' Kosath be recitin' a poem in honor o'de Warrior hisself interred dere at de Shrine. May his flame always burn!

Taz'dingo, Ironsong! Welcome, friends o'de Tribe an' o'de Horde! Come an' make dis event a joy f'r de spirits an' de livin' alike!

Big thanks,
High Priestess o'de Ironsong!
"She is a soothsayer. She’s a mystic. She is a witch doctor, able to see into people’s hearts and minds. She’s also touched by the elements." -Naomie Harris

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