Throm'ka, tribemates.

This is just an informative post to let you know of instance runs that Dannae, myself and usually Tetsumis do almost every evening. Lately, we have been venturing forth into the Depths of Blackrock (and completing to the end), but henceforth we will probably also be heading into Lower Blackrock Spire occasionally to work on acquiring gemstones to complete a UBRS key or two, as well as assisting those who may need to finish Warlord's Command.

These expeditions usually start sometime after 9:30pm PDT (server time). If you are interested in going with us, please feel free to leave a response here so we know to inquire if we see you around at that time.

Dannae and Tet, feel free to add your comments as well!

Kretol's Goals:

Blackrock Depths
<li>Acquire Totem of Rage (<i>Completed!</i>)
<li>Acquire Ragefury Eyepatch
<li>Acquire Ironfoe

Lower Blackrock Spire
<li>Complete a UBRS key (<i>Completed!</i>)
<li>Get a Smolderthorn Spider pet (<i>Completed!</i>)
I'd like to complete my key as well.
I have 2 of the gemstones and an unadorned seal so far.
Freithe would be happy to come along on some BRD and LBRS runs. He currently needs to get attunement, and has WC to do as well.

The only interest Khrale has in BRD is also totem-oriented.
I would be interested in going. My only problem is time 9:30 server time is 12:30 my time, and on weeknights that's a no no when I have to get up at 5 am. <grumble>

Chaska: Totem of Rage, 2 gemstones for key.

Mahiah: Attunement to the core, Warlord's command. Would like to finish her shadowforge key as well.
Don't mess with the trees!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

~Bill Cosby
I know I've tagged along a couple times with Naruth, and would love to continue doing so. She still has a number of quests to complete in BRD, and I am slowly acquiring LBRS quests as well, including WC, though I've a feeling a couple more levels would serve very well before attempting to go along with a 5-man. Wink Just give me a poke IG if you need an extra any night.
Cleeyo's game to do BRD, just to steal more Kretol loot. :twisted: Plus I like the instance.
9:30 is a bit late for me, but if you ever get an early start, I'd enjoy helping out on these too. Starting at 8:00-8:30 is best for my (and Zlinka's) schedule on weekdays!

Oryx goals:
BRD: The Totem of Rage from Magnus, and Burning Essence for my leg Fire Resist enchant (plus Black Diamonds, if we should get lucky)
LBRS: I only need Voone's gemstone to complete my UBRS key. And Omokk still has my boots!

Jadox goals:
Everything! Attunement, upgrades, quests, the works.
"And Omokk still has my boots! "

You mean he has MY boots! <pokes>
Don't mess with the trees!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

~Bill Cosby
Cage would like to complete Warlord's Command. He'd also like to get a Beaststalker Tunic and Mantle (hah!) some day, as well as taming a Blackrock Worg in order to learn a couple of beast abilities that only they have.

There's several other pieces of loot that might be interesting as well. I'd be up for it any night that I'm around at that time... although my playtime usually doesn't start til after 10 during the week, so I'll have to play it night-to-night.
Cage, we generally start our adventures around 10ish, server time.
I am in great need of going to lbrs, if anyone would be up for that.

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