Full Circle - the Cyanoplax Clan's final journey
((Greetings my IST brothers and sisters. As has long been tradition, I'd like to extend an invitation to a Rotten Luck event happening this Saturday, July 8th. A little history about the Cyanoplax clan. I have 8 characters one of each class. It has only been recently that they have found their path to 60 seasons. That's 480 levels! In celebration, I have planned this event to both celebrate and enteratain my fellow Horde. I assure you it will hold personal rewards as well as a fun blend of hunting, gathering, and the always loved killing! I cordially extend a most Rotten invitation to participate.))

... like all things, the Earthmother appreciates and blesses the circle. The circle represents unity, faith, balance, and completion. Like the four sacred directions and four sacred elements, the Earthmother created the circle to bind all things and show the unity of all things in nature. My brothers and sisters of the Cyanoplax clan welcome you to join them in fulfilling their circle and their final journey to sixty seasons.

While all are welcome in this most blessed event, my brothers and sisters ask you to be prepared and to be patient. The completion of a circle takes both of these things and both of these things complete our character. With the help of the Earthmother and the sacred ancestors, I have been blessed with a vision. This vision is of the future, the event that all Horde of noble and good character are welcome to join. The vision was elusive but full of many symbols. These symbols represent the tasks left to each Orc, Troll, Tauren, and Forsaken to finish before they join the clan on their journey.

The Dream:

Before me was Mulgore.... the green grass before me gleamed from the rays of the rising sun. Behind me, a tauren of ancient age instructed me to look to the West. There was the brilliant sun, cresting over the cliffs. The beautiful circle that gives life was gently rising. I could see below me the creatures of so few seasons.... mostly cats and boars. Before me was a great totem pole as well. It had the faces of my animal brothers and sisters.

"Two!" the ancient tauren spoke. "Two!" ... and then it was dusk! The chilly air had creeped around my armor. The small fire near me was all that provided warmth.

"Two!" again the tauren spoke. The sun had set. The ancient tauren turned and grasped a staff nearby. With shaky hands, the ancient made a circle followed by two small lines in the sand. Then he made another circle below the first circle followed by another two lines.

O l l
O l l

Bats and wyrvens, raptors and fire... yes... I can see them now. Below me is a great valley. Like a great bowl filled with green earth and water. How beautiful! The warmth and light of crystals! I can hear the calming sounds of water.

The vision is changing... A kidnapping!... I see a troll high a top a mountain, waiting for his death to come. What ill fated news the Earthmother brings in this vision. The air is so thick and land so green… Is that?... Yes, I hear the ocean and the sounds of gulls.

The vision is fading again… all I can see is white… Wait! No, it’s coming in sight now. The dry dusty wind is blowing against my skin. I can smell the humans not far off. The land is broken and cracked with many shades of red. The animals before me slither, prowl, and stagger in a menacing tone. Flickers of lightning illuminate the sky… and I see a door of shadow and void far in the distance. I feel a dark presence in this place.

A chill! I can’t help but shiver as my vision shifts. Silence… and then screams. Quiet only interrupted by the haunting sounds of clanking metal. A land surely infested with an unholy power. The ground is dark and deadly. Nothing seems at peace. The Earthmother seems silent and overpowered by the dark forces which inhabit this place. Fear covers the land and it must be cleansed.

Light!... Oh blessed light! Yes, I see the home fires of Mulgore. This dream ends under the stars and totems of my homeland.

Time: 7-9 AM AND 7-9 PM (server time), July 8th

Hint: If you need your Mallet of Zul'Farrak, come to the morning block. If you need AD faction, come to the evening block. Also note, the casual unplanned fesitivies will be after 9 PM in Thunder Bluff.

Place: 7 AM sharp in Thunder Bluff . 7 PM in Blasted Lands.

(lots of timing to this event so be prompt as you can, also you can whisper Tonicella/Ceratozona for invite in AM, and Stenoplax for PM)

  • Lvl 50+ (most lands will be 50+)
    Bag space: 16 slots optimum, 12 slots minimum [/list:u]

    Items to bring:
    • Fishing pole
      AD trinket
      skinning knife
      20 mageweave, 2 heavy silken tread, 2 bleach (only for evening event)[/list:u]))

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