A Pirate's Life for Me
<i>This was originally written as an interlude of sorts to a longer story that would have taken place in Kretol's past, while he was a pirate. Unfortunately, my bubble of creativity was summarily popped shortly after I started working on this, and I haven't continued the story ever since. With that being said, I don't want it to go to waste, and am posting it here for everyone's enjoyment as well as a brief glimpse of Kretol's past.
Keep in mind that this part was mainly finished with a few little things that still needed editing.</i>
It was a beautiful day, one could not deny that. However, the beauty of a day is not often something noted by the standard orc, no. It might be a perfect day for hunting, for gaining one’s honor, for performing their duties for the Warchief, but certainly not for being simply beautiful. Today, Gor’treg noted that it was a perfect day… for sailing. It was a day that he, as First Mate, would be meeting his new Captain - supposedly one that had been offered promotion from his current position countless times by Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer himself, but he had turned it down each time, the reason being that he felt most alive commandeering a trusty orcish Destroyer. To hell with the massive ogre Juggernauts, those were too slow, unmaneuverable. Gor’treg shrugged; he tended to agree with those sentiments, hence why he aimed to secure a position working with this Captain.

“It certainly is a good ship,â€

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