Part 1 of Norams Exile/Redemption
Noram was trapped, he couldn't win this fight and he knew it, the best he could do was hold his ground for as long as possible and pray that the runner he sent made it to Corins Crossing in time. Unsheathing his blades he quickly ordered what remained of his regiment to fall back to East Wall and rally with the defenders there, he and two others would stay behind to buy them time. Silently wishing them luck, he turned around to face his death...
A voice dripping with vileness and hatred spoke to him then "Yes, yes this one will do, let us see if he is worthy of thou~" The scream it uttered, coupled with the bright flash and wave of heat that spread throught his body quickly brought him back to the harshness of reality, he didn't survive that battle, nor did the runner ever make it to Corins Crossing. The town had fallen shortly after they had been set on patrol, after the undead had massacred the inhabitants the quickly consolidated their power over the area slaughtering all they came across, he learned later the rest of his group had survived, and had defended the tower for days before being found by the arriving troops sent by Stormwind, there they were hailed as heros of the Alliance.
Noram rolled out of the bed, and grabbed a weapon to fend off the attackers..yet noone was there, he was completly alone. Wondering who it was that spoke to him, he shrugged it off as lack of sleep and begain to prepare for the day ahead. It was then that he noticed the brooch his wife had given him before he was reassigned to the Plaguelands was not in the pouch he normally had it in..but cleched tightly in his palm.
"Is it any wonder, under such a burden, they seemed mad? We all have found ourselves railing against them and later consoling them. Theirs was a burden we each bore but a fraction. They shouldered it, and in the end, it crushed them."

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