My dreams be fill'n in'more
I be waken up from da nightmare I be have'n all ma'life, only dis time, dadream be clearer! I am remember'n snow and mountains. Der'is lots of sound round me, scream'ns, in both da human and da troll. Again, da howls of da wolves ar'der, only dis time dey be louder and closer den I have been dream'n b'fore. I be see'n a wolf move'n toward me just before I be wake'n up. When I wake'n up n'shake'n da fog from me head I be see'n Shadow is acting strange. Someting tell'n me he had da same dream? Is it possible da wolf in me dreams is be'n related to Shadow? I must be find'n out where dis dream be take'n place and what becom'n of me parents.
I be hope'n dat'der be some people's in ma new family dat can be help'n me out wit'is.
Hmm, dreams with animal spirits in them are powerful things. Among the Shu'halo the Earthmother often sends animal spirits through dreams to teach us lessons or to help us find our true path. Perhaps your companion has been send to you to aid in your quest to find your past.

I will meditate on this and ask the Earthmother for guidance.
Etsuko - Monk
Razzlixx Blingwell - Warlock
Cloudjumper Wildmane - Druid (Inactive)

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