Storming the Citadel: Zaevian's Story
*Two days ago in Acherus*

A Death Gate opens and through it steps a Death Knight in the armor of one of Arthas' soldiers. There is a noticable gash in the chestplate that looks recent but the wound underneath seems to be almost healed. The guards notice him and point their weapons towards him and barred the way to Highlord Mograine.

The Death Knight laughs and removes his helmet revealing himself as Zaevian Dorini'Diel.

"A good effort brothers but unnecissary, tell Mograine that I'm back from my most recent mission..."

The one of the guards retreats to the Highlords chambers while the rest keep their weapons raised against Zaevian. He rolls his eyes and sniffs the air and thinks "This armor stinks of death.... Why couldn't I have found a Sin'Dorei knight who's armor I could steal..."

The guard returns and motions for the others to lower their weapons and let him pass. "Welcom back Zaevian, Highlord Mograine waits for you in his war room."

Zaevian nods and proceeds through to the war room while hoping the debreifing won't take too long, he couldn't wait to wash this smell off and get his own armor back.

As he enters the room he can see Mograine leaning on a table at maps of Icecrown glacier and the inside of Icecrown Citadel. Mograine looks up. "Ah, Zaevian your back, did you find what we were looking for?"

Zaevian grins and nods. "Yes Highlord, I found a small entrance that we can send a small infiltration group through. It is a small gate that apears to lead to a gargoyle roost, it is protected by magic but I can break through as long as I have a few minutes rest afterwards."

"How close does it get you to the throne chambers?"

"It will let us bypass most of the main guardians the the champions will have to fight through. Though there is a chamber that belongs to Arthas' Death Knights that we may have to fight through if they aren't called away to fight earlier but otherwise I think we should be able to get there quickly without much trouble."

That's good...." Mograine stops and seems to be thinking. "In two days time when the assault begins I'm going to send a group of thirty of our strongest Ebon Knights through this entrance you mentioned...Zaevian I want you to lead them in this assault."

"Me? Won't you be going through this entrance?"

Mograine smirks. "No, I must make be on the front lines in order to keep up apearances. We can't sneak the entier assault in through this entrance so there is no point in bringing it to the attention of the others to it and the main assault will be needed to distract the majority of the forces in order for that entrance to work so I will be there doing what I can to ensure that your mission succeeds."

"I understand Highlord..." He then takes on a wicked smile. "So, It is time for our revenge finally?"

Darion smiles as well. "Yes, it is time to kill a 'King'."

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