Research (Gathering of Souls RP point)
Since the events of last night, I have spent all of my time either in the library researching, or in the laboratories testing my theories, and I have a couple of ideas on how we may find out where the Mana Bomb, and Lady Dispaya, may have gone to, but I will need some more time to test my hypothesis.

It was my discussion with some fellow Tribemates that gave me the idea for this, so I will most likely need their help in this matter as well. This will be a dangerous undertaking, but I feel that the rewards are well worth the risk, and I, for one, am not going to wait around until it is too late, so all that we can do is pick up the pieces. I would say more on this, but I fear that information would fall into the wrong hands, so I will remain silent for now.

I have sent correspondences to each of them, so that we may get to this as quickly as possible. Any information my fellow Tribe members have regarding Mana Bombs will be most helpful in this quest, and greatly appreciated. The power of the Fel seeks to dominate all, and if we are going to triumph the appropriate action must be taken.

We must find out who is responsible for this, and I think there may be a way...
After hastily sending a message off to Saevel, Shenawyn took a seat at her brother's well-ordered desk, unrolling a clean sheet of parchment for a missive a bit more in-depth to her fellow warlock.

"Dear Saevel,

I found some old books on Prisom's desk last night when I got home from the pirate ship. He likes to stay at his apartment and study sometimes. Boring!

But I did find out a few things from one of the musty old tomes:

Someone in Shattrath City says those mana bombs are imported from other dimensions. They think the Firewing blood elves, well I don't know who they are, but that's what I read.. anyway, that they're the ones bringing in some horrible weapons. There was something about a Broken of Tuurem, whatever that is. How much use can it be if it's broken?

Some guy named Warden Treelos seems to know a lot about these bombs. Maybe we should talk to him? I've never been to the Outlands or to Firewing Point, so I don't know how I can help, but I want to do something.

Saevel, why would blood elves want to make something so devastating? Maybe we should keep that part a secret for now.


She got up to slip outside Prisom's suite and mail the letter before her twin woke. Shenawyn didn't want to be around when he did, she was still mad at him. Thankfully, worry over Dispaya and trace feelings of guilt over what she'd discovered of her own race had dulled her anger somewhat.

Dulled, but not disippated.
Ever since the "energy transfer," little Anca had been quietly complaining of "grumbly-tummy" or some such. She couldn't, because of her limited command of the language, elaborate much further. She had, in fact, taken to eating snowballs, smeared with various flavorings. Even stranger, she occasionally spoke clearly and concisely at one moment, then appeared to have no knowledge of doing so, returning to her simplistic form of speaking. There seemed no connection as to when these flashes would come.

Since the incident involving the mana-bomb, the little girl had been very sad. She was worried about Dispaya, and moreso because she couldn't track the woman. But, soon she had an idea.

Borrowing a small sheet of paper, she scrawled upon it "Spaya - Anca look for you", dropped it in a mailbox, and waited.

When the goblin emptied the box, she followed him. Unfortunately, after days without sleep, the mailgoblin led her only to the Gadgetzan Dead-Letter office.

But she had a memory of something, a memory that led her back into the Outland. She fought her way back through ghost-infested lands she'd thought she'd cleared weeks before, and made her way to the ruined apparatus lying in the middle of a razed human-town. Ghosts closing in on her, she strapped it to the back of her battlepig, and fled. Someone in the tribe must be able to use this detonated manabomb to help.
Valtrinity stood irritably on the Thandel Span bridge trying to listen to her Tribemates conduct their usual matters at their weekly meeting. With word that Dispaya had perished from an explosion resulting from a mana bomb that had been planted by unknown persons still fresh in mind, each passing moment not regarding the matter seem to infuriate her further. Dispaya had been a dear friend to her ever since she had joined the Tribe nearly two years ago. The friendship they had forged, the trials they had endured together, the hardships they had accept the fact that Dispaya had perished was an option that Valtrinity was not willing to accept.

"Where is Dispaya!?" the enraged shaman finally shouted at Cloudjumper, who had been charged with directing the Tribe's particular meeting that day. Remaining calm, Cloudjumper simply replied by saying, "I believe there is word that she has perished." Valtrinity erupted, exclaiming, "YOU'RE LYING! I refuse to accept that!" The druid, remaining calm as ever replied, "I am incapable of lying. The very world itself speaks to me. And it can no longer sense any trace of Dispaya. Do you doubt me? Speak to the spirits for yourself and see."

Valtrinity climbed to the edge of the Thandel Span bridge and gazed down at the river that fed into the valley. After a moment, she turned and faced Cloudjumper, her eyes still burning with rage. "No. You're wrong. I refuse to accept that she has perished! I will find out the truth on my own. Don't follow me!" With that, the shaman lept off the Thandel Span bridge and fell to the waters below, which seemed to welcome her as she crashed through the watery surface. Any Tribemates that bore witness to this event would claim that she never surfaced. No one has seen her since that day.
Dispaya has reappeared but she has not been herself since the mana-bomb incident. She has been reclusive and has been spending a great deal of time in Shattrah city though no one knows exactly where.

She never responded to Anca's letters and has not replied to Valtrinity or tried to contact her.

when asked in Guild chat what happened, she told the tribe that she was alive no thanks to Efluvious, who she referred to as ("that fool") and told them that she was a great mage and would not have grabbed the bomb if she had no way to protect herself. She told the tribe that she hurled the bomb into the nether during her teleport and only caught the brunt of the explosion which knocked her out for a time. She assures everyone that she is fine and not to concern themselves with her.

Sing True Ironsong!
It is good to see that Lady Dispaya has returned to us, but her sudden change of mood concerns me greatly. Anca's current problems interest me as well. I have my theories on both, but that will have to wait until I finish my current project. I believe I have come up with something that may work, and I will be testing it soon...I just hope it is successful. The information Shenawyn gave me was very useful, and I think there may be something in the knowldge contained there in. We shall see soon enough...

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