Ironsong, Harsh Winter, and Karazhan
Lok'tar, friends!

(Did I get that right, Kretol?)

Allow me to introduce myself. I am the guild leader of Harsh Winter. We're one of those old, been-around-forever guilds and we have a rather long-standing friendly relation with the Ironsong Tribe. Why I remember meeting Kretol back in Winterspring when he was still a young(ish) pup. And getting one of Eveline's world-renowned rich purple shirts. But enough about the past...

Currently Harsh Winter is working on defeating the formidable foes in Karazhan. Ironsong is doing the same and one of our officers, Thoguht, has been going with you.

Harsh Winter has 1 full group, but not quite enough for a second. I hear there is a somewhat similar situation here as well!

My thought (well, really it was Thoguht's idea, but I shall steal it for my own) is for us to see if we can find a happy medium and get ourselves another group fighting the good fight.

Logistically we have about 7 extra people, though short on healing (1 Holy paladin in those 7). Our normal nights are Thursday and Monday, though I know you have your Moots on Thursday as well -- we'd be more than happy to go on another night.

Would there be any interest among you to join forces? Is there a specific person I should talk to about details? Do I need to dance around the fire at your Moot? Just say the word!

I look forward to hearing from you.

I should say that I fully endorse this because I think it'll help us look to the future with Gruul and other endeavors. Plus, it's just awesome hanging out with IST.

From a more meta-game stand-point, I think a lot of people are feeling really left out. While that'll happen due to the way Blizz has set up the keying process, making Kara have a weekly lock-out, and the schedules of us players, I think we can do better to mitigate it as much as possible.

I love, for example, how Team Smash n Grab rotates new players in pretty regularly. Some of it is due to our sporadic schedules, again, but I think some of it is because we recognize that we're all friends and progression is not as important as having fun.

Anyway, if we could look across guilds to set up a sort of matchmaking service (kinda like the new chat channels recently) that would be great in the long run. but more immediately, maybe Abbru's Kara group and HW's leftovers could hook up... ?
I know that Bru has really been searching for people for his Kara runs. How about identifying which slots are needed to form a group and then having folks from your potential pool of participants sign up each week so you know you'll have a full group? Kinda like this:

Karazhan - Monday 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM (Clear to Attumen)

Tank 1
Tank 2
Ranged DPS 1
Ranged DPS 2
Ranged DPS 3
Melee DPS 1
Melee DPS 2
Healer 1
Healer 2

Karazhan - Wednesday 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM (Moroes)

Tank 1
Tank 2
Ranged DPS 1
Ranged DPS 2
Ranged DPS 3
Melee DPS 1
Melee DPS 2
Healer 1
Healer 2

Karazhan - Friday 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM (Shade of Aran and maybe Nightbane)

Tank 1
Tank 2
Ranged DPS 1
Ranged DPS 2
Ranged DPS 3
Melee DPS 1
Melee DPS 2
Healer 1
Healer 2

If I wanted to go, I'd post about it.

Psion, Priest (Shadow)

Slot desired: Ranged DPS

Available Wednesday and Friday.
Not available Monday.

Note: On Friday, I need to logoff by 10:00 PM sharp!

After signups are complete (probably a week prior to the run), you'd post a schedule of who is slotted for each run. It would take a little work from those of you organizing the runs to make sure you have all your slots filled, but it would allow you to draw from a potentially large pool and rotate folks each week.
I spoke a bit with Gnarck today, and summarize the results here:

Harsh Winter is currently fielding a Karazhan run on Mondays and Thursdays, from about 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm PST. They have about 16 people that are keyed and interested, and are rotating those people through the raid right now. They had an earlier run which has recently been put on hold. The current feeling is that they are light on healers, but have enough tank and DPS capability.

So one possibility would be for Ironsingers, with a slight bias towards healers, to join up on Mondays/Thursdays at the same time, to get two teams fielded.

They are scheduling attendance through their forums, <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->.
Another bit of detail! I realize your Guild Moots are on Thursdays. If we are able to start a second group, there's no reason it does have to be on Thursday. Also, there's no reason it has to be at 6:30 either. Ideally (and I realize this may not be possible) one of the two could start earlier to accomdate the East coast people or people who can't stay up late.

My goal is to get as many people as possible in and having fun and a 10-man group size is a logistical hurdle. At any rate, I appreciate your interest! Here's to hoping we can get something off the ground.

*nailbites* Hmm, hmm. I would love to do anything I can to help the Harshies.... Naruth is spoken for, but I do have a 67 shaman who I'd not object speccing full resto when I hit 70 sometime in the next couple weeks. Smash and Grab raids Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, so your current schedule actually works decently for me. I cannot commit full-time at this point, but once she's keyed and ready, I will certainly be able to at least fill in a bit.
I've decided that I'm going to actively level Eonah (Will be full healbot priestling) and get her up to raiding. I'd love to heal along whenever I get her to level.
currently 47. working on it.

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